I loved Ninja's Creed.It would be awsome if u made a sequel!And i can't think of an idea right now.
Constantly learning and improving. Animation is my hobby, not my job. I like constructive critique, this is not an excuse to be rude. I enjoy video games, western comics, Terry Pratchett and jogging.
Age 36, Female
British Columbia
Joined on 1/24/08
I loved Ninja's Creed.It would be awsome if u made a sequel!And i can't think of an idea right now.
i would love a sequel, i shared the original ninjas creed with a bunch of my friends, and added it to my favorites on deviantart ^^
Really? that's awesome, what's your DA username?
Make a Awesomness Creed plz!?
and that would be fine!
It's been done before, youtube it or something, sorry :)
Um...hmm...Matrix w/ altiar? or a altair vs. Sasuke or a Sasukealtair combo (like sasuke being an assassin or somthing) and my friend thinks aitair should have a gay sidekick? (he is weird i know but if you want som ideas that is one and people mite like it?)
A sequel would complete my life ;-;
I think a sequel would be pretty sweet. I don't have any ideas right now though...